Scandia Camp Mendocino
Christer Samuelsson
Christer & Kristina Samuelsson have enjoyed dancing and playing together since they met. In their part of Sweden, you find a lot of "16-delspolskas" or "slängpolskas", which is a polska of 16 parts type (16th notes), what we call an even polska. This is our favorite type of music and we also enjoy dancing slängpolska. We have been playing and dancing polska for more than 20 years. Since 1992, both are members of Klinteten, Riksspelmen and both have succeeded in earning their big silver medals in polska dance.

Christer grew up in Östergötland and started playing violin at 11 years of age. He met folk music in the late 70s. He is a music teacher and a became a Riksspelman in 1990 with tunes from Östergötland.

Kristina was born in Finland, but grew up in Skåne, Sweden. She has played violin since she was 11 years old. Kristina became a Riksspelman in 2007 playing tunes from Skåne.

The Samuelssons will teach the tunes to go with the dances that the Eriksson’s will teach.
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